Thursday, December 6, 2007

Day of Terror

Today was probably one of the worst Miss Jorja Gray has had. It all started in the a.m. when Jorja was on our bed and I turned around for only a second and the next thing I knew she was on the floor crying. I felt terrible. It didn't take much to calm her down. A few hours later we had her 6 month well visit at the doctor's office where she received three shots in her legs. Again the tears and more crying. As if that wasn't enough....I thought I should get her ears pierced and all of the pain over with in one day. We went to Wal-Mart and I picked out this pair of light green earrings and was so excited to see what she was going to look like with them in. We sat down and Savannah, the girl who performed the piercing marked Jorja's ears. She put the gun up to one of her ears and CLICK! One ear down...but Jorja was crying and huge tears were running down her face, I felt like a bad mother. There was a small crowd standing around the counter watching and making pouty faces and we still had one ear to go. I put the pacifier in her mouth which helped a little and Savannah went CLICK again! Jorja went nuts this time. I couldn't comfort her enough. It was the saddest thing. Jorja reached her arms up to me to pick her up-like I could help her pain, when in fact, I caused it. What a horrible experience.

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